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Shipping and Delivery

Welcome to our Shipping and Delivery section. Here you will find detailed information on the delivery process of our products, from item selection to delivery at your address. We are pleased to offer you various payment and shipping options, allowing you to choose the solution that best suits your needs.

Costs and Delivery Times

Delivery in Italy and Abroad

For deliveries in Italy, we guarantee shipping within 2-3 working days. For other countries, delivery times vary from 3 to 5 working days, depending on the destination location. Our priority is to ensure that your order arrives safely and promptly, directly to your address.

Details on Shipping Costs

The final price of your order for deliveries in Italy includes all expenses, including taxes (VAT included). This means there will be no additional costs at the time of delivery for national orders. For international shipments, any customs duties or taxes are the responsibility of the recipient.

For deliveries in Italy, cash on delivery charges will be applied directly at checkout, depending on the availability of this service for your destination location. Be sure to check if the service is available for your address at the time of purchase.

* Shipments from Italy via Express Couriers TNT, SDA, DHL, UPS

Shipping costs are automatically calculated based on the weight/volume of the products purchased and the delivery location. You will have the opportunity to view and choose from different shipping options, selecting the most convenient or preferred one.

Important Notes

Despite our commitment to ensure timely deliveries, we cannot take responsibility for any delays caused by couriers. Moreover, please remember that for international shipments, any duties, customs charges, or other applicable taxes will be the responsibility of the buyer. We appreciate your understanding and cooperation.