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Our Services
Secure payments
Secure payments
Greater security with the 3D Secure Protocol.
Return orders
Return orders
100% payment protection 30 days return.
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Prices and discounts
All prices and discounts are reserved exclusively for online purchases.

Secure Payment

Payment Methods

Security in the payment process is our top priority. We offer several options to meet your needs:

Payment with any credit or debit card

All card payments are protected by SCA (Strong Customer Authentication), a European regulatory requirement aimed at reducing fraud and making online payments more secure. Our platform optimizes the payment process also for smartphones and tablets, ensuring wide compatibility with the most popular credit cards.

The application of 3D Secure adds an extra layer of security, requiring additional verification from your card issuer. This may include a one-time code sent to your phone or fingerprint authentication in the mobile banking app, giving you total peace of mind in your payments.

Payment via Bank Transfer

For those who prefer traditional methods, we offer the option to pay via Bank Transfer. Choosing this option, you will automatically receive all the necessary data for the payment. Remember that payment must be made within 48 hours from the order. To expedite processing, we invite you to send us the bank transfer receipt via email or through our contact form.