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Cookie Policy

A cookie is a small text file saved on your device when you visit a website. These files store useful information that the site can read on subsequent visits, thus improving your browsing experience. We use cookies for various purposes, from essential site functionality to user experience customization and traffic analysis on our site.

Why do we use cookies?

Our site,, uses cookies to:

  • Improve browsing experience, remembering your preferences and previous visits.
  • Collect analytical data, such as the most visited pages, through tools like Google Analytics. This helps us optimize the site and monitor the performance of our advertising campaigns.
  • Support essential functions such as security, network management, and accessibility.

We also use third-party cookies for some of these purposes, and you can manage your preferences through your browser settings.

Managing cookies

You can decide whether to accept or refuse cookies by changing your browser settings. Below you find links to manage cookies on the most common browsers:

Note: Refusing non-essential cookies may affect your browsing experience and the functionality of the site.

More information

For more details on how we manage your personal data, visit our Privacy Policy.

This cookie policy was last updated on April 5, 2024.

Please note that this is a translation of the original Italian version of the Cookie Policy. Due to the nuances of translation, the meaning of some terms may differ. In case of discrepancies or misunderstandings, the Italian version shall prevail as the definitive and binding version.