Welcome to the dedicated page for the Piaggio Porter Pick 1300CC 16V 1998-2008. Here you can consult the essential details listed in the table below to accurately identify your Porter Pick model. Information on fuel type, chassis and engine prefix, serial number, and vehicle version are crucial to ensure the purchase of the correct spare parts.
Image | Model | Fuel | Chassis prefix | Engine prefix | Serial number | Version |
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Porter Pick 1300CC 16V 1998-2008 | Petrol | ZAPS85000, ZAPS85V00 | Daihatsu 1300 16V E3 HC | 001 | Single wheel |
After confirming your vehicle model, navigate through the various available spare parts categories, such as Brake System, Electrical System, and Suspension. Each section of our catalog provides detailed exploded diagrams to help you easily identify and select the necessary components for the maintenance or repair of your Porter Pick.
Take advantage of our intuitive user interface to view and easily purchase the specific spare parts for your Piaggio Porter Pick 1300CC 16V 1998-2008. Select the spare parts category to proceed with your purchase.